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Anti Snoring Solutions ?? | 25+1 Solutions That Will Stop Snoring Immediately

What Causes Throat Snoring?

Now, you will read about the causes of throat snoring and how to deal with them.

About half of adult men and about one-third of adult women snore in their sleep. Throat snoring can be categorized from mild to severe. But even soft snoring can disrupt sleep and lead to chronic insomnia, and it can also lead to marital problems.

How do we snore?

When we are asleep, the body muscles relax, including the throat muscles, which loosen and make the throat narrower. Then when we breathe, the throat walls begin to vibrate, causing a noise, which we know as snoring—the narrower the throat, the louder the snoring.

The reason that men snore more than women is because of their physiology. Men are more likely to be overweight or obese, and being overweight puts more strain on the upper respiratory tract. Also, men usually have larger necks than women, which puts more weight on the throat. Besides, men have larger noses and taller mouths. So the long palate deepens the throat and strengthens the nose. For this reason, men have louder snoring than women.

For women, a point is that with the onset of menopause, snoring increases. Before menopause, the hormones estrogen and progesterone have a protective effect on the airways, but this changes after menopause. However, men still have more sleep apnea and throat snoring than women, but menopause shortens the gap.


stop throat snoringWhat makes snoring worse?

Alcohol and antidepressant pills relax the muscles of the upper respiratory tract, thus increasing snoring. Also, lying on the back causes the tongue and palate to come down and partially block the airway.

Weight gain can also lead to restless sleep. For this reason, doctors usually suggest that a lifestyle should be adjusted to eliminate snoring.

Lifestyle changes such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Not drinking alcohol
  • Giving up sedatives (in consultation with a doctor)
  • Sleeping on your side

These are the first steps to fight to snore.

Here are some food remedies that are useful to get rid of snoring.

When does snoring become a health problem?

20 to 25 percent of snoring may be a degree of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing stops temporarily during sleep. Typically, a person with obstructive sleep apnea presents with other symptoms besides snoring.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a feeling of suffocation or shortness of breath during sleep, snoring that stops abruptly and then continues with a deep breath or shortness of breath, often noticed by a roommate or spouse. Other symptoms include morning sleepiness and constant tiredness throughout the day. Sleep apnea should be evaluated and treated.


sleep apneaWhat are throat snoring solutions?

If snoring causes apnea, the first step is to change lifestyle. Weight loss, no alcohol, along with medical treatment such as using a custom dental device that pulls the jaw to open the airway, or a continuous positive pressure device (CPAP), which acts by pressing air into the throat through a mask and hose or even surgery.

Surgery can stop throat snoring due to a structural problem such as large tonsils or septal deviation. There is also a surgical procedure directly targeting the Uvula & Soft Palate to reduce or stop snoring. We will write about it in another article.

Minimally invasive treatment options include lifestyle changes such as sleeping on your side, not drinking alcohol, weight loss and avoiding sleeping pills. An ear blocker is recommended for the spouse of the snoring person to prevent sleep disturbance.

What Causes Snoring in Males

Snoring Reasons

Anti Snoring Solutions ??

It might be so unbelievable for a person who snores or his/her partner that there could be a solution for them to stop snoring. As snoring has many harmful effects on the quality of life, it is necessary to know why and stop snoring as soon as possible. In this article, we are not going to discuss the causes of snoring or what snoring effects are.  We will tell you some immediate remedies to stop snoring which are the best stop snoring solutions.

best stop snoring solutionWhy choose immediate solutions for snoring?

There are many solutions to stop snoring from losing weight to surgery. All of these long-lasting or complicated solutions can be useful and can be one of the ultimate stop snoring solutions. A snorer should know his/her snoring causes and test long-term remedies to get rid of this problem (snoring) over time. However, some people can achieve good results from some simple and immediate solutions that are all free or low-cost and easy to test. So why not check them out? 


1. Sleep on the side

Sleeping on the back might cause the tongue to drop to the back of the throat. It can block part of the air passage. In some cases sleeping on the side can help with the airflow and decrease or stop snoring. It is a good idea to use a small ball under the mattress to prevent sleeping on the back. This is a simple and effective anti-snoring solution every snorer could test as the first step of a snoring solution.


2. Raise the head of your bed ?

It is simple to make the head of the bed elevated four inches and this can help decrease snoring as the airways remain open.


3. Use nasal strips

Sticking nasal strips on the nose’s bridge can be useful because these nasal strips cause the nasal passage to widen. The result is, breathing gets easier, more effective and snoring decreases.


4.Avoid drinking alcohol before bed

It doesn’t mean to stop drinking alcohol. Although it can be the best anti-snoring solution, it is not an immediate solution. Everybody knows it is a hard decision to make and needs some time. So it is enough to try not to drink alcohol for at least 2 hours before going to bed. The reason behind it is that alcohol can relax the muscles of the throat, and it is one of the most important causes of snoring.


5.Avoid taking painkillers before bed

If it is necessary to use painkillers before bed, the person should talk to his/her doctor to find an alternative for it. Sedatives are one of the most common causes of snoring, and by stopping it, the snoring will disappear in most cases.


anti-snoring solutions6. Enough Sleep Time

Every person, depending on the age, should sleep enough during the night. For an adult, 8 hours of sleep a night can be sufficient.


7.Use an Oral Appliance

“Oral appliances” are Dental mouthpieces that are useful to keep open the air passages and breathe easily. This is the reason that they can avoid snoring. It is suggested to go to a dentist to have one of these devices.

8. Clear Nasal Congestion

Having a stuffy nose can cause snoring. It is easy to rinse the nose sinuses with saline before going to bed. Using a neti pot or nasal decongestant are some solutions that simplify breathing during sleeping.


9. Use Humidifier in the Bedroom to Make Air Moist

Mucous Membranes can be irritated in the nose and throat by dry air; therefore as long as swollen nasal tissues are the reason for throat snoring, a humidifier might come to aid.

10. Be Careful What you Eat Before Bed

Studies show that having too much food, dairy or soy milk just before bed exacerbates snoring. Instead, consuming honey_ this amazing antimicrobial used for many infections _ can cause the airway to open and breathe freely.


11. Nasal sprays

Different types of nasal sprays can be useful to stop snoring. It is suitable for whom, the reason for their snoring is a blockage in the nasal passages. So If someone suffers from this problem, the nasal spray can help by reducing nasal congestion.

At the end of this article, we recommend Asonor®.

Asonor® is not meant to decrease congestion of the nose, it works by slightly tightening the muscles of the throat and lubricating the passage of the air. This helps to reduce snoring.

Asonor® is a Scandinavian anti-snoring nasal drop used in Europe for more than 15 years. It’s a natural-based solution clinically proven to reduce or stop snoring in 3 out of 4 users (%75 success rate). It costs less than a dollar a day & very convenient to use compared to the various devices that have to be placed in the nose or mouth.

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6 Anti-snoring Solutions and Remedies According to Some Scientific Studies

What are the Scientific Anti-snoring Solutions?

Let’s start with a story. Tonight, like last night and the night before, the noise has not let him sleep because of the annoying snoring sound with which his roommate gives him daily. Although it is not a consolation, he knows that it is not an exclusive problem of his bedroom: half of the men snore and 25% of women also, according to data from the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (Separ). Many people are surprised when one good day (or a bad night), their partner starts snoring. It may be a temporary episode caused by a cold or allergy; and, in women, because of pregnancy. But the most common is that snoring becomes everyday.

Are sonorers born

Is the snorer born or made?

Then he asks himself: is the snorer born or made? “Both things are true”, responds Diego García Borreguero, director of the Sleep Research Institute. “On the one hand, there are genetic factors that indisputably predispose to snoring, although snoring is not common in childhood. It is in adulthood when the respiratory tract develops when it begins to manifest.

Overweight and obesity aggravate the problem “due to the accumulation of fat in the neck muscles, which narrows the airway and makes it difficult for air to escape,” as Eduard Estivill, director of the Estivill Sleep Clinic, adds. Age gives the snorer a disadvantage, since, as García Borreguero explains, “over the years, the airway becomes narrower, and muscle tone in the throat is lost. Ultimately, it increases the resistance to the inspiratory airflow, and this favours snoring”. In addition, “during menopause snoring women increase due to hormonal and physical changes (redistribution of adipose tissue),” he adds.

You can read about the causes of throat snoring.

anti-snoring solutions

What should a snorer do?

This is what the snorer should do to lower the volume of his roars: These are some Scientific Anti-Snoring Solutions:

1- Lose weight. 

“Losing weight, when the cause of snoring is overweight, is the most effective treatment,” stresses Estivill. A review work published in the Archives of Broncopneumology highlights that “it is a proven fact that obese people are five times more likely to snore”, and that small weight losses imply a significant reduction in snoring: three kilos less can reduce by half the number of snores per hour, and losing weight 7.5, snoring disappears. If, in addition to losing weight, you manage to exercise at least four hours a week, your chances of success increase, according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine. This is the only one hundred percent effective method, as long as the extra kilos besiege you. If your weight is adequate (or you do not plan to lose weight). The following tips may help but do not guarantee success/silence.

2- Avoid sleeping on the back

 Although the snorer can do it in any position, it is more frequent when sleeping on his back because the tongue and other tissues go backwards and constrict the airway. Try sewing a tennis ball to the back of your pyjamas (recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine) or prop your head up with a higher pillow.

drink alcohol causes snoring

3-They did not have the last drink.

All sleep experts know that alcohol is a snoring magnet. Sanjay Patel, a professor at Harvard Medical School and an expert on sleep disorders, says: “Couples of snorers say that snoring is intolerable when their partner has had a couple of beers .” Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the mouth and throat and makes it difficult to breathe, and its effect is noticeable from the first drink and can last for hours, according to the document from the Archives of Bronconeumology. The advice: avoid the drinks from the last hours of the afternoon.

An effect similar to that of alcohol is caused by muscle relaxants, tranquillizers, and some antihistamines.

4-He is resorting to clicks of the tongue, in the case of the bed partner

Even if he feels like a muleteer, he doesn’t need to be shy about clicking his tongue when his partner starts snoring. It’s not a very fancy device, but it works. According to the expert from the Sleep Research Institute, “by making noise, or also by lightly touching the snoring person, they are briefly alerted, and the brain increases the respiratory drive and activates the tone of the muscles (dilators) of the pharynx, with what the snoring disappears temporarily”.

anti-snoring products

5-Use anti-snoring products, but without expecting miracles

Specialists agree that oral devices that advance the jaw are effective for many snorers. In the opinion of Sanjay Patel, the drawbacks are their price (200 euros, approximately) and that they have to be custom-made by a dentist familiar with this type of splint. “Nasal dilation adhesive strips [7.5 euros for a box of 10 units] are cheaper and simpler and help to open the nasal passages,” he says. According to the Archives of Bronchopneumology report, these strips are useful when there is nasal congestion, although the effectiveness varies between brands available in the market.

On the contrary, nobody should be fooled by the promises of anti-snoring pillow manufacturers. The Estivill Clinic has participated in a clinical trial with these devices, in which it has found that the type of material can help keep the airway more open, but that it is only useful for a small group of snorers, as indicated by the director. from this centre. “We must investigate more about this matter and not confuse people by ensuring that the pillow is suitable for all types of snoring,” insists Estivill, who also denies the effectiveness of other remedies (including some stop snoring foods): “Except to lose weight, there aren’t scientifically proven natural remedies. Using these products often means ‘throwing away the money. And in the same vein, an analysis published in the journal Sleep concludes that the manufacturers of these elements do not offer enough scientific evidence and that their studies are carried out in few people.


6-Do gymnastics with your mouth before sleeping.

This is what a Brazilian study published in the journal Chest says. According to the authors, repeating this routine every day could reduce snoring by 36% and power by 59%:

  1. Press the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth and drag it back.
  2. Press the tongue to the roof of the mouth and press.
  3. Have the tongue stay on the floor of the mouth while the tip is in contact with the front teeth of the jaw (bottom).
  4. Raise the soft palate and uvula by pronouncing the vowel A.

Diego Sánchez Borreguero proposes stronger training, to repeat several times throughout the day:

  1. Say the vowels out loud for 3 minutes.
  2. Place the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth and slide your tongue back for 3 minutes.
  3. With the mouth open, move the jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Do the same to the left.
  4. With the mouth open, contract the muscles against the back of the throat for 30 seconds.
  5. Facing a mirror, move the uvula (uvula) up and down.

These proposals help, but if during sleep the snorer stops breathing for a few seconds, wakes up tired and continues to be sleepy throughout the day, see the doctor because perhaps there is obstructive sleep apnea. A review will rule out anomalies.


How to Stop Snoring Naturally? | 9 Stop Snoring Foods

As we mentioned before, snoring is caused due by blockage of airflow through the nose and throat while breathing during sleep and causes the relaxed throat tissues to vibrate, then snoring sounds appear.

Apart from how annoying it can be for the snorer’s partner, snoring can signal a severe health problem that the doctor should check. But in some cases, snoring can be caused because of some temporary reasons that can be solved easily by changing the diet. Here are some food remedies that are useful to get rid of snoring.

1-Night Time Tea

Drinking a hot cup of tea before bedtime can be a useful remedy for snoring because the steam can clear the throat and nose from any stuffiness. This phenomenon causes a reduction in congestion and snoring.

Some people cannot drink tea, as they are sensitive to caffeine or hamper their sleep, so they can consume herbal tea like chamomile tea. This herbal tea is helpful to make the quality of sleeping better.

 food for stop snoring2-Honey(1)

One of the strongest antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory natural substances, which is used to treat common infections like cold, is honey. This sweet food can soothe and open the nasal pathway and make it possible to breathe freely.

-It can be a good idea for those who like sweetness to combine the first and second remedies together and have a hot cup of tea sweetened by honey before going to bed.

3-Ginger and honey tea 

Ginger is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory spice that increases saliva secretion. So drink honey and ginger tea twice a day because it reduces snoring.

 4-Cow’s milk alternatives

One of the main reasons for snoring is the lactose in dairy products that make stuffiness and congestion, mostly for those who have sensitivity and allergies to cow’s milk products. There are some vegetal alternatives such as soy, coconut, almond, oat and hemp, which can be helpful for those whose snoring reasons are lactose.

food to stop snoring5 –Fish

Red meat has some saturated fat which causes inflammation in the nasal and throat passages, causing snoring. In contrast, fish oil has anti-inflammatory agents thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids.

For snorers, it is much better to avoid consuming red meat and increasing their fish consumption in order to reduce the inflammation which causes snoring. Among all kinds of fishes, mackerel, tuna, mullet, or sardines are the best in omega-3 fatty acids.


6-Thyme and Sage

Using the herbs thyme and sage in foods can reduce snoring. These herbs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties that decrease mucus congestion and improve sleeping quality.

7- Garlic

Garlic is an anti-inflammatory herb. It prevents nasal congestion contributing to snoring. It is possible to eat garlic raw or cooked with food. Some people eat it before bed.


8- Pineapple, oranges and bananas (2)

One of the easiest ways to get rid of snoring is improving the sleeping quality. The reason behind this is the increasing melatonin in the body. So there are some fruits that are rich in melatonin, such as pineapples, oranges and bananas.

stop snoring foods9- Drinking water

Not drinking enough water causes dehydration. Dehydration causes thick mucus formation and leads to snoring. It is recommended to drink 1 litre per 30kg of weight each day to prevent dehydration and subsequently to snore.



We recommend Asonor®.

Asonor® is not meant to decrease congestion of the nose, it works by slightly tightening the muscles of the throat and lubricating the passage of the air. This helps to reduce snoring.

Asonor® is a Scandinavian anti-snoring nasal drop used in Europe for more than 15 years. It’s a natural-based solution clinically proven to reduce or stop snoring in 3 out of 4 users (%75 success rate). It costs less than a dollar a day & very convenient to use compared to the various devices that have to be placed in the nose or mouth.
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Nasal Spray for Snoring | Does Nasal Spray Help with Snoring?? Zzz ?

There are a variety of reasons for snoring. One of the most common among them is nasal congestion, particularly in colds or allergies. Regardless of the reason, it is so distressing to breathe hard, especially during sleep. It isn’t pleasant for the people around you as well. In this situation, decongestants and nasal steroids (nasal spray for snoring) may be useful in treating congestion and decreasing snoring. We will discuss how the nasal spray might be helpful and how to use it to stop snoring.


Causes of Nasal Congestion 

Many reasons can cause this issue, anything that causes the nasal tissues to irritate or inflame. Infections like colds, flu or sinusitis and allergies are frequent reasons for nasal congestion and runny nose. Tobacco or exhaust smoke is a less common reason; tumours can be the reason. Let’s check other reasons in the following.

nasal spray to stop snoringSeveral reasons for nasal congestion

  • Allergies
  • Colds and illness
  • Air pollution
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Special drugs
  • The internal structure of the nose


Why does Nasal congestion cause snoring?

Nasal congestion can block the airway internally, making snoring worse. A silent sleeping person can transform into a snorer. Indeed, severe nasal congestion increases the risk of throat snoring three times more!

What is a nasal spray?

Nasal sprays are the easiest way to use the medication through the nostrils. As mentioned before, generally, they are helpful to treat allergy or cold symptoms, like itching, sneezing, or nasal congestion. The blood vessels in the nose can easily absorb medications into the bloodstream. And this is the reason that it affects so effectively.


Different types of nasal sprays for reducing the congestion

1- Antihistamine sprays

Antihistamine sprays can alleviate congestion, sneezing, itchy and runny nose. These sprays are obtainable by prescription. They usually cause less sleepiness than antihistamine pills, but they still may make some people drowsy.

2- Steroid nasal sprays

These sprays are so well-functioning to decrease congestion, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, and drippy nose. Steroid nasal sprays are the first medicine recommended for allergies. But it takes about five days before noticing the symptoms decrease.

3- Nasal anticholinergic sprays

Nasal Anticholinergic Sprays are suitable for runny nose remedies for both allergic and non-allergic rhinitis of patients. These sprays function by blocking acetylcholine which reduces excretions from the glands in the nasal airway. Common side-effects are dry mouth and bad taste.

4- Nasal congestion sprays

Decongestant sprays decrease inflamed blood vessels and tissues in the nose, which leads to the reduction of congestion.

5- Saline nasal spray 

A saline spray can be useful for cleaning the nasal airway from debris that obstructs the passages and decreases the airway diameter.

How to use a nasal spray to stop snoring?

Lie on the head or slightly backward, and pour 3 or 4 drops in each nostril to feel it in the throat. For more and better effectiveness, it is better not to eat anything after taking anti-snoring nasal spray.

Added together, different types of nasal sprays can be useful to stop snoring. It is suitable for whom, the reason for their snoring is a blockage in the nasal passages. So If someone suffers from this problem, the nasal spray can help by reducing nasal congestion.

At the end of this article, we recommend Asonor®.

Asonor® is not meant to decrease congestion of the nose, it works by slightly tightening the muscles of the throat and lubricating the passage of the air. This helps to reduce snoring.

Asonor® is a Scandinavian anti-snoring nasal drop used in Europe for more than 15 years. It’s a natural-based solution clinically proven to reduce or stop snoring in 3 out of 4 users (%75 success rate). It costs less than a dollar a day & very convenient to use compared to the various devices that have to be placed in the nose or mouth.

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